
Assessing Your Healthcare Professional Growth & Set Goals for the New Year

healthcare professional growth

Travel nursing and allied healthcare professionals have a unique opportunity to explore and expand their careers in new and exciting places in ways that traditional roles don’t make room for. So, how’s it going? Let’s find out!

Evaluate Your Previous Year Goals: Did You Hit Some, All, Or None?

How did 2024 stack up for you? What were the goals you set for yourself last January, if any? There may be reasons why some, all, or none of your goals were met, but take a moment to reflect on what your year looked like. Identify wins and where there is room for improvement in the coming year.

Ask Your Leaders and Mentors

It’s hard to be objective with yourself. Most of us are predisposed to be extra critical or too lenient regarding personal evaluation. The people around you that you trust are one of the best sources for a pulse check. Seek them out and have a casual but meaningful conversation about your performance, progress, and potential. 

What’s Next For You? Are You Poised To Make Those Moves?

Has there always been one big-picture goal that you’ve been chasing in your career? If so, have you accomplished what you needed in the last year to get closer to that goal? It could be a promotion, a new salary level, a different field of practice, or something else. What steps still lie between you and this end goal?

How To Set SMART Goals For 2025

Specific: SMART goals are clearly defined and specific, e.g., “get CET/EKG Tech certification” or “pick up a contract in Alaska.”

Measurable: Track your progress with measurable data and meaningful benchmarks that matter for your goals. 

Attainable: These goals should be realistic. Aim for challenging but realistic, and don’t set yourself up for failure. 

Relevant: Set goals to spur you on to greater progress in your role, career, and life. 

Time-bound: This is the second accountability component after measurable. Give yourself a timeline for these goals that will motivate you to keep pushing.

Start your next travel nursing or allied healthcare adventure with IDR Healthcare! See current job opportunities here. 

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